“The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw Response – Ali Husain
In the video “The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw is talking about the way discrimination is deeper than just race. Which allows it to go even further into the sex of the person as well. Through her speech she is trying to show the intensity and impacts that this might have. She starts this off with an exercise that transitions her into the points that she is trying to make. In that exercise the names of police brutality victims are read allowed. They start from most to least heard about African American male police brutality victims to the African American female police brutality victims of which only four people have heard about. As Kimberlé Crenshaw stated, this exercise was done all over the country to all types of people and yet the response was the same. (Only a small number of people know about this issue.) This is showing that the racism and sexisum issues are overlapping and we need to show people importance of it.
To further enhance her point Kimberlé Crenshaw added the case of Emma DeGraffenried. Emma DeGraffenried was an African American women. Who applied to work at a local car manufacturing plant,but was rejected because of her race and gender. When she went to court to fight to be able to work at the plant, but the judge dismissed her case. The judge claimed that the plant had African American workers and female workers. The judge did not look at the fact that the plant had no female African American workers.
One area that intrigued me was when Kimberlé Crenshaw said that discrimination is deeper than race. Upon doing some research I found that with in certain ethnicities, there is also further discrimination between themselves. Weather it is between the males or females, or the north or south, and even if someone in the same race is darker than the other (as seen in some West African countries). All of these things are not right. People should not discriminate one another but instead coincide with each other and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.
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