Bitzer’s definition of rhetorical situation works  around three components exigence, audience, and constraints. He goes in depth with the three components and explain   and he also gave us example. Rhetor brings his own imperatives to the circumstance and any of these requirements may can possibly influence the intensity of the talk. When reading the rhetorical situation by Lloyd Bitzer, he has shown me what the meaning of a rhetorical situation but  many time during the read he confused me or I like that I interpret what he was say in a different way. For example when he explains the concept of audience in a rhetorical situation what it meant and what role they play. Bitzer explains “ a rhetorical audience consists only of those persons who are capable of being influenced by discourse and of being mediators of change . . . the rhetorical audience must be capable of serving as mediator of the change which the discourse functions to produce”(8). What I got from this is  that not everyone is an audience member could hear a speech but choose not to act on what the speaker is saying. But there was some text that i had trouble understanding. An example of something that i trouble with was the concept of exigence I’m having trouble finding out what it means. An example would be “a defect an obstacle, something waiting to be done”(6) how i look at the concept of exigence is that not all situation are rhetorical. I wanted to know if I’m correct.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Jeffery Rivas
    I like you use of evidence to supports you statements. At the end you mentioned that you wanted to know if you were correct and here’s my answer: yes you are correct. Not all situations are rhetorical and there are certain circumstances that make a situation rhetorical. For instance, there has to be an issue (exigence) that makes an audience feel some type of way towards it.

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