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“The Urgency of Intersectionality” Reflection – Jamirka De León

Posted by Jamirka De León on

The moment Kimberlé Crenshaw started speaking, I was hooked. Instead of going straight into her speech she began by immediately engaging her audience. I found it very interesting that she asked all of them to stand up and started listing the names of the African Americans that have been killed by the police over the last two and a half years. She separated the names into gender, to show that the first half – men, were recognized more than the women who have died. She used a strategic way to introduce her point from the very beginning. Crenshaw explains that there are two topics that are presently being talked about often: police violence against African Americans and violence again women. The two issues have not been integrated and analyzed as a whole. Throughout her speech, she used hand gestures accordingly to go along with what she was saying, her call to action was clear, and although she was talking about a serious topic, she threw in a couple of jokes to lighten up the audience and keep them engaged.

One of the statements Crenshaw made that grabbed by attention was “Well, the answer is that this is a trickle-down approach to social injustice and many times it just doesn’t work. Without frames that allow us to see how social problems impact all members of a targeted group, many will fall through the cracks of our movements, left to suffer in virtual isolation.” This is when I really strayed to understand what she was saying. I paused the video and started thinking, and then realized how many groups we seek justice for, but yet succeed at excluding certain people from those subject to the injustice, who in fact also need the attention; especially how we differentiate issues between men and women. As a person who’s interested in politics, Kimberlé Crenshaw really grabbed my attention. I wasn’t even there and she had my attention the entire time. I think her speech, maybe did not make a huge difference. But it most definitely left an impression and caught people’s attention.


Kimberlé Crenshaw “The Urgency of Intersectionality”- Rachel De Leon

Posted by Rachel De Leon on

Throughout Kimberlé Crenshaw’s speech, “The Urgency of Intersectionality,” she addresses an idea called intersectionality by giving an example to her audience. Kimberlé Crenshaw starts her example by asking her audience to stand up and each time they heard a name they did not recognize, to sit back down onto their chairs. Crenshaw started of naming, “Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Michelle Cusseaux, Tanisha Anderson, Aura Rosser, Meagan Hockaday.” Once the first four names were called,about half the audience was seated; once the other four names were called, about 4 people were still standing, everyone else was seated. The only difference between the first four names and the last four names is the gender. All these names that were called were African- Americans who have died due to police brutality. Only African- Americans that were categorized as males were mostly recognized, females not as much. Intersectionality is social justice problems, race and sexism, that overlap to create various levels of injustice, discrimination. Kimberlé Crenshaw talks about how African- American women experience intersectionality when it comes to this issue of police brutality and how their story is told to the public audience.

Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the example of Emma DeGraffenreid to support the idea of intersectionality. Emma DeGraffenreid was an African- American who was a working wife and a mother. In one of her interviews for a job, she experience intersectionality towards her race and her gender. When she viewed the work area, DeGraffenreid noticed that African- American men did the maintance jobs and White women did the secretary and related jobs. When presenting her case at court, it was dismissed because there is no frame that views discrimination of both, race and gender. The judge did not notice the difference in this job, when there was only white women, not other race women and there was only African- American men, not other race men. The judge just payed attention to how there was some form of employment that was African- American and some for of employment that was women. In the society we live in, these frames should expand and become greater because there are various issues ignored due to there being no understanding towards those issues.

When watching this video, I was impressed by the situation African- American women have experienced and were not recognized due to intersectionality. There should have been more publicity about these women on articles and on the news to make everyone aware of this issue. These women don’t deserve being unmentioned, they deserve being known for the police brutality and the violence against them. In addition, in the video, I noticed Kimberlé Crenshaw form of speaking towards her audience. She does not stutter or flinch, she keeps her eyes on her audience, she engages them into her topic, and when she has your attention, she doesn’t let it go. Kimberlé Crenshaw seems to be a great public speaker.


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Posted by jenncy mejia on

In the video “The Urgency of Intersectionality,” Kimberle Crenshaw explains why you should be knowledgeable about intersectionality and why it is important. In the beginning she mentioned many male victims of police brutality and almost all of the audience recognized them. She then proceeds to mention  female victims of police brutality and a staggering amount of people did not recognize the women. The concept she explains in her talk is Intersectionality, an idea that identifies how social and political discrimination, and gender, sexual orientation etc. are connected. To bring across her point she mentioned the case of an African-American woman Emma DeGraffenreid. DeGraffenreid sued a manufacturing company on the claim that they did not allow her a position in the company due to her race and gender. The judge dismissed her case since the particular company had black people in the company all of which were men, and women all of which were white. She then expands on how this case relates to intersectionality and what should be done about it. At this point, her talk gets emotional when she talks about the say her name movement while showing pictures of female victims of police brutality. With the video she really showed how big the conflict is. Lastly she shows a video of several women while encouraging the listeners to say their names in support of the movement. I believe Crenshaw did a good job using pathos as she used emotion with her visuals. I feel she had ethos as well because she demonstrated her knowledge in the topic.


Maximo Martinez – Response to: “Kimberlé Crenshaw’s “The Urgency of Intersectionality”.

Posted by Maximo Martinez Grullon on

In the TED talk by Kimberle Crenshaw, called “The Urgency of Intersectionality”, she overall talks about what is intersectionality and why it is important. She start her speech with an exercise which purpose was to make the audience know, how people aren’t really aware of specific black females that die in hand of policemen. She says that this is because “there is no frame for us to see them”, reffering to the fact that they are not cover in the media as much as the cases of other black males that died in hand of policemen. But then I think she went a little bit of the rails when she said that as a result “policy makers don’t think about them”, because I think that’s a really big assumption to make, just from the given fact that some people in the audience don’t recall some of those women names, doesn’t mean that when the U.S. makes a law, they don’t think about black females.

Then she goes on talking about what is identity politics and introduce the audience to the term intersectionality, which she describes to be when “many of our social justice problems like racism and sexism are often overlaping creating multiple levels of social injustice”. But then another problem that I had with this TED talk was when she start talking about Emma Degraffenreid. She introduces Emma’s story as “the experience that gave rise to intersectionality”. From the TED talk what I learned from her is the following. She was an African American woman that was seeking for a job in a car company; she applied, but she didn’t got the job. But instead of accepting it and try to work in another place, she believed that she didn’t got the job because of her race and gender, she believed that she didn’t got hired because she was a black women. She sued the car company, but the judge dismissed her suit. The judge made the argument that her ciliv rights weren’t violated because the car company hired blacks, and females. Kimberle says that by the time of the lawsuit (which by the way happened in the 1970’s), all the women hired were white and all the blacks were men, therefore she was facing double discrimination. My problem with this is that we are assuming that because Emma made the claim of not being accepted because she was a black women, that what she is saying is true. We are not seeing this from both sides; what if she wasn’t prepare for it? what if she just didn’t meet the requiremets/standards for that job? why does it have to be an identity issue, and not an individual one? we lack of information to know that the reason she wasn’t accepted in that job, was because she was a black women.

Finally she goes on talking about police brutality towards black women. She goes on talking about how black women died in hands of policemen, which again ones would assume that is a clear sign on injustice and police brutality, but Kimberle doesn’t provide the audience that much context for one to make a fair conclusion of those scenerios. She goes on saying how some were “sophocated to death”, “tasered to death”, “shot to death”. She also says things like “they been killed shopping while black” and “driving while black”, like to make us think that they were killed just for being black, which again, with the lack of evidence provided, I think is not a fair assumption to make.


Anahi Tejeda – Response to “Kimberle Crenshaw: The Urgency of Intersectionality”

Posted by Anahis Garcia on

“Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray,  Tanisha Anderson, Megan Hockaday, Aura Rosser and Michelle Cusseaux.”  These are all police brutality victims, yet we only seem to know of the first four, the men, the people who are actually mentioned, the woman being clearly overshadowed and overlooked. What distinguishes the African American men from the African American woman? Some would say nothing, but this is not true. As Crenshaw referred to in the video, “when facts do not fit with the available frames, people have a difficult time incorporating new facts into their way of thinking about a problem.” African American woman do not fit within the this “frame” they get filed away as just another black person so the issue at hand is never addressed.

Crenshaw delivered a speech in this video clearly discussing the often overlooked issue of the division between racism and sexism, which in reality coincide with one another. She goes into the issue that often racism and sexism are seen as two separate issues and are missed or not addressed when it is a combination of both. African American woman have to face this dual discrimination which is not recognized by the rest of the world. For example, she touched base on how a woman was denied a position at a job under the pretense that she was African American. However, her case was dismissed due to the fact this job hired African American men and white woman, so how were they discriminating against her if they hired both “women and men.” She had just experienced dual discrimination racism toward her being African American and sexism because of her sex/gender.

One thing I found truly intriguing was how powerful this video was due to the way Crenshaw delivered her speech. She spoke directly to the audience interacting them within every aspect of her speech beginning through conducting a survey with the audience to directly asking rhetorical and direct questions. Through these tactics she was able to build and go into depths about the dual discrimination that African American woman endure. This allowed me to come to the conclusion that to resolve/address this issue we as a society need to broaden the “frame” we need to realize there is more than what meets the eye. We, as a society need to progress and evolve into being more open minded and susceptible to realizing the different levels and depths of discrimination.


The Urgency of Intersectionslity

Posted by Christopher Lara on

In the powerful video, “The Urgency of Intersectionality,” Kimberle Crenshaw talks about the term “intersectionality” and how rather than simply race, people are often disadvantaged and hindered by multiple sources of oppression. The term is seen as different forms of social stratification such as race, age, religion, gender, social class, etc that overlap and often result in multiple levels of social injustice. At a point in the video she addresses a variety of names and the audience would either have stay standing or sit down if they recognized the names being addressed. Mostly everyone remained standing when the names of African American men were mentioned, however, when the names of African American women were mentioned only four people remained standing. She uses the term to describe the bias and violence women of color suffer. Kimberle Crenshaw considers the experiences of African-American women to be the target of intersecting patterns of racism and sexism. Kimberle Crenshaw also talks about framing which is a process of embedding events and topics in grids of interpretation and it shows us the problems that this can cause. As a solution, she points out the importance of an intersectional approach, she talks about the origin of this term. Her very powerful and emotional talk focuses on the challenges that discriminated people face as a consequence of their identities including their age, race, gender, etc.


Kimberle Crenshaw

Posted by Jeffery Rivas on

Kimberle talks about the intersection of racism and sexism and how this leads to the discrimination of women. In her TED talk she stated, “As a consequence reporters don’t lead with them, policymakers don’t think about them, and politicians aren’t encouraged or demanded that they speak to them.” She is saying how whenever a man dies, it is all over the news and it is made public. However, when I woman dies by the cops, politicians don’t make it public and are discriminated against. She later states that this problem is caused by social justices and how they don’t pay attention to the problems women are facing. In addition, she states, “Without frames that allow us to see how social problems impact all the members of a targeted group, many will fall through the cracks of our movements, left to suffer virtual isolation.” By saying she thought of a term called intersectionality and how the problems of sexism and racism are overlapping and they create multiple levels of social injustice. In addition, she states, “The real problem, though, that the judge was not willing to acknowledge was what Emma was actually trying to say, that the African-American that were hired, usually for industrial jobs, maintenance jobs, were all men. And the women that were hired, usually for secretarial or front-office work, were all white. Only if the court was able to see how these policies came together would he be able to see the double discrimination that Emma DeGraffenreid was facing.” Emma was being discriminated because she wasn’t a man or a white woman and couldn’t get the job.


Christopher C. – Response to “The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw — Classic Editor

Posted by Christopher Collaguazo on

In the video “The Urgency of Intersectionality,” the orator Kimberle Crenshaw talks about the different amount of social problems many African American women go through. The cause for this is as Kimberle referred it to “intersectionality,” in which African American women are subjected to experience an overlap of race and gender. She discusses about this urgent issue and provides a real life scenario in which an African American women Emma DeGraffenreid whose claim was dismissed by a judge. Emma believed she was facing race and gender discrimination against the local car manufacturing plant. She was not hired because of her skin color and her gender, the judge who dismissed her claim did it purely because it is not completely true. However, it is known that most African Americans that were hired were men and the women that were hired was mostly white. Kimberle Crenshaw goes on by mentioning the main problem of this issue which is the “framing problem.” She explains how many people in our society fail to see race or gender discrimination which is as she explains “partial and distorting.”

Something that really caught my eye was when she started her speech with an exercise that involved her audience to stand up. She mentioned a variety of different names and the audience would either sit back down or stay standing if they recognized these names. Mostly everyone stayed standing when male African American names were mentioned, as soon as female names were mentioned only 4 people remained standing. By, doing this exercise her audience will realize how serious this issue is and how there should a change to this. As she said “if we can’t see a problem, then we can’t fix a problem.”


Ruben Genao – Response to “The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw

Posted by Ruben Genao on

In the video “The Urgency of Intersectionality,” Kimberle Crenshaw discusses the importance of Intersectionality and why it’s important. At the start of her talk, she called the names of multiple black men who fell victim to police brutality such as Eric Garner while asking the audience to remain standing if they knew the names and most people remained standing, when asked about female black women who suffered the same fate all but four people sat down. The concept she explains in her talk is Intersectionality, an idea that identifies how social and political discrimination overlaps with gender, sexual orientation etc. To bring across her point she mentioned the case of Emma DeGraffenreid, an African-American woman who sued a manufacturing company for not hiring her on the basis of race and gender. The judge dismissed her case since the particular company had black people in the company all of which were men, and women all of which were white. She then goes into depth on how this case relates to intersectionality and what we should do about it. After this point, her talk gets rather emotional as she talks about the say her name movement while showing pictures of women who all fell victim to police brutality, and in this way, she demonstrated the range of the problem. She finally shows a video of various women while encouraging the listeners to say their names in support of the movement. Overall I think Crenshaw did a good job of implementing a mixture of pathos and ethos into her speech in a way to gain support for the cause.


“The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw Response – Ali Husain

Posted by Ali Husain on

In the video  “The Urgency of Intersectionality” by Kimberlé Crenshaw is talking about the way discrimination is deeper than just race. Which allows it to go even further into the sex of the person as well. Through her speech she is trying to show the intensity and impacts that this might have. She starts this off with an exercise that transitions her into the points that she is trying to make. In that exercise the names of police brutality victims are read allowed. They start from most to least heard about African American male police brutality victims to the African American female police brutality victims of which only four people have heard about. As Kimberlé Crenshaw stated, this exercise was done all over the country to all types of people and yet the response was the same. (Only a small number of people know about this issue.) This is showing that the racism and sexisum issues are overlapping and we need to show people importance of it.

To further enhance her point Kimberlé Crenshaw added the case of Emma DeGraffenried. Emma DeGraffenried was an African American women. Who applied to work at a local car manufacturing plant,but was rejected because of her race and gender. When she went to court to fight to be able to work at the plant, but the judge dismissed her case. The judge claimed that the plant had African American workers and female workers. The judge did not look at the fact that the plant had no female African American workers.

One area that intrigued me was when Kimberlé Crenshaw said that discrimination is deeper than race. Upon doing some research I found that with in certain ethnicities, there is also further discrimination between themselves. Weather it is between the males or females, or the north or south, and even if someone in the same race is darker than the other (as seen in some West African countries). All of these things are not right. People should not discriminate one another but instead coincide with each other and treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.


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