‘Black Panther’ Is Not the Movie We Deserve
Christopher Lebron’s interpretation of the movie “Black Panther” was interesting. His point of view and analysis was very different. It cause me to see the movie in a whole new perspective. When this movie first came many people were happy and excited that a movie came out, which showed the enrichment of African culture. As time went on people’s opinions of the movie changed. For instance in the he states, “he learns of the racism black Americans face, including mass incarceration and police brutality. He soon understands that his people have the power to help all black people, and he plots to develop weapons using vibranium to even the odds for black Americans”. Lebron goes on to state that how this was similar to another movement like the Black Panthers. Then killmonger and his father are shown as villains because they in a sense wanted to help out others who were struggling. Lebron further writes that there were other shows with the same thing. “Cage must beat his brother to a pulp, just as Panther must kill his cousin” , but then in the Thor movies Loki (Thor’s brother) has done so many horrible things and causes misery and damage, yet he is always given another chance in another movie. This is not the case with the “Black Panther” and Killmonger. All Killmonger wanted to do was save the lives of black people everywhere and stop them from getting hurt.
One idea that intrigued me was when Lebron wrote “Rather than the enlightened radical, he comes across as the black thug from Oakland hell bent on killing for killing’s sake”. This intrigued me because I felt that this was true. There are many people in the world who have great ideas that may be radical but because of their background won’t be seen as that. Instead they will be judged from where they live and their ethnicity.
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