Julian Fontanez- James Baldwin article
In the article “ If Black Isn’t a Language, Then tell me, What is? “ by James Baldwin states that people change there language in a way for people to understand each other depending on the circumstances. For example, in the article the example the author uses is “ Blacks came to the United States chained to each other, but from different tribes: Neither could speak the other’s language. If two black people, at that bitter hour of the world’s history, had been able to speak to each other, the institution of chattel slavery could never have lasted as long as it did. “ The men spoke different languages/dialect and they could not understand one another. As time went on the slaves formed a black church and they started to come together to create a black English. Changing the language is a way to adapt, it can lead to a positive thing or fatal thing. Now I also believe that the author is saying that sometimes people take some things from another language for example, the white people take some ideas from the black people, the black people won’t get credit for it. As the author say’s “ white Americans would sound like if there had never been any black people in the United States, but they would not sound the way they sound. “ if it wasn’t for the black people they wouldn’t act a certain way because the white people would not do it unless it was already done and said.
What interested me about this was when the author says “ Blacks came to the United States chained to each other, but from different tribes: Neither could speak the other’s language. If two black people, at that bitter hour of the world’s history, had been able to speak to each other, the institution of chattel slavery could never have lasted as long as it did.“ this interested me because I am pretty sure not too many people realized (including myself) that those prisoners did not speak the same language. If you think about it if they did speak the same language would slavery have ended faster? What would the course of history be like because if they did make a